14-16 Oct 2024 Paris (France)

Call for papers

Workshop theme

Exploring the vibrant cultural and linguistic diversity of Mali's Bandiagara region, this workshop aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the area's unique heritage. We welcome a multidisciplinary dialogue that integrates linguistic, cultural, historical, archeological, and new genetic perspectives to offer a more holistic view of the peoples of Bandiagara.

Topics of interest

We invite research papers and presentations on topics including, but not limited to:

  • Linguistic diversity and language evolution in Bandiagara;
  • Genetic research and its implications for understanding the region's population history;
  • Ethnographic, archaeological, and cultural studies of the Dogon and other local communities;
  • Historical analysis of migration patterns and cultural interactions;
  • Socio-political influences on cultural and linguistic landscapes;
  • Efforts in documenting and preserving endangered languages and traditions;
  • The impact of globalization on the region's indigenous cultures;
  • Interdisciplinary and collaborative methodologies in studying the region.

Submission guidelines:

  • Abstracts should be a maximum of 300 words, submitted in English or French;
  • Abstracts should be submitted through the workshop website.

Important dates:

  • Deadline for abstract submission: April 30, 2024 May 15, 2024
  • Notification of acceptance for abstracts: May 31, 2024 June 17, 2024
  • Deadline for confirming your participation: July 31, 2024
  • Workshop: October 14 - 16, 2024

How to submit your abstract:

  1. If you do not have an account on the Sciencesconf website, move your mouse over the triangle icon to the right of the Login button at the top right of the page and click Create account
  2. After creating an account or if you already have an account, click the Login button at the top right of the page and log in.
  3. Go to Abstract submission in the main menu at the left side of the page.
  4. Fill in required fields and submit your abstract.

Presentation and participation format:

  • Presentations can be in English or French;
  • Preference for in-person participation and presentations; 
  • Presentations will be 20 minutes, followed by 10 minutes of discussion;
  • Authors of accepted papers and everyone who wants to attend the workshop need to confirm their participation by registering on the workshop website. The registration is free.


Limited assistance is available for researchers who do not have sufficient institutional support or are experiencing any difficulty in participating. Please contact the organizers (bandiagara2024@sciencesconf.org) to inform what kind of assistance you need.

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